Forum | Ireland about to put the cat among the pigeons? by Eireannach_gorm - News Summed Up

Forum | Ireland about to put the cat among the pigeons? by Eireannach_gorm

I strongly believe in a two state solution with the formation of a Palestinian state. Further more, I believe in a a Palestinian state within the pre 1967 borders, which would require Israel to give back land and demolish illegal settlements. Seven months later I don’t think we should be rewarding rape, murder, decapitation and mutilation with statehood. Imagining for a second that both approaches work:The outcome from destroying Hamas and then creating a Palestinian state is a Palestinian state still full of hatred. The outcome from creating a Palestinian state with a withered away Hamas is a Palestinian state much less full of hatred.

Source: The Guardian May 22, 2024 11:42 UTC

